Try as I might, I have never found another game like Captain Bible in Dome of Darkness – maybe it’s because the concept is ridiculous. You begin the game on a holy quest: a solitary, superhero-like figure with a cape must stop the evil cybers who have trapped a city in a Dome of Darkness. The citizens of the city are being fed evil lies, and Captain Bible must vanquish cybers with the sword of the Spirit! He is sent by Bible Corps to complete his mission, and along the way he will be lied to by the Cybers, but thankfully he has an electronic Bible at hand. Unfortunately, a robot steals all his Bible verses when he enters a new area, but don’t worry, there’s lots of Bible stations to get new verses from! The verses are vital, for if you do not have the proper verse to counterattack the lie from a cyber, it will be a losing battle. You will also need to ask God for the shield of Faith and such Biblical things along the way. Prayer meditation moments is your one chance to take a break from the onslaught of cybers and restore yourself/your soul.
As mentioned, the plot is ridiculous, and the sci-fi setting is equally absurd, yet against all odds it works. Not only does it work for Biblical memorization, it’s also fairly fun. The maps themselves are giant labyrinths, and you will find yourself being constantly blocked or lost. At the same time, you will constantly be hunting down Bible verses. It’s an overall puzzling game. It can be satisfying when you finally get the right Bible verse to engage an enemy. Attacking enemies is pretty fun too, it requires extremely precisely timed mouse clicks with your holy sword, and it can be ridiculously challenging. In addition, the enemy variety is expansive, so you’ll be running back to get restored by prayer until you figure out the correct attack patterns.
Along your journey you will encounter people trapped in sin, and people that will help you. The game tries its best to diversify the gameplay despite how repetitive it is, and it is very. The puzzling aspect is perhaps the main draw, but the overall cheesiness is entertaining. Levels are also quite different, with different enemies, people, and the levels themselves are overtly colourful and eye catching. There’s always something new to find, which distracts from the repeated process of acquiring verses and defeating enemies. Prepare to unlock a lot of doors as well, a trademark of 90s games.
Captain Bible may not hold up among the throng of classic DOS titles, but it’s a good game, nonetheless. It manages to make Bible memorization not such a chore, which is a miracle in itself. It is also a lovely relic of time, showing a Christian game that could be violent and potentially offensive. Only the 90s could have produced this: an era when games were fresh, unhinged, and exciting. Long live the 90s.